Noel Lorenz House of Fiction
Neysa Chronicles Part-II
Releasing on Christmas Day. Pre-Order Now!
Kolkata, India
PEACE With Literature
NLHF HAPPINESS Beyond Borders Initiative
*We are not affiliated to any organization. It is our independent initiative.
Literature has been the soul of mankind since centuries.
Let us kindle that passion of literature and wrtie for PEACE and HAPPINESS in peaceful ways— not to hurt any being by any word.
Why 15 April 2021?
A New Year in Kolkata, and also in many other states in India new year falls around this date. We have had many problems around the world including a pandemic.
New Year beckons a new initiative to Spread Happiness.
Here is ours!
NLHF is committed to work for
HAPPINESS Beyond Borders by PEACE With Literature.
Come join Us for a PEACE & HAPPINESS Initiative and take a pledge to write for PEACE every month. By taking the Pledge, you commit to spread PEACE and HAPPINESS with your writing every month without hurting anybody(living or dead) with your words. It is not possible to keep a check on what you are doing, we believe, as a part of the human kind, we all want PEACE of Mind and we all are working for a HAPPY Time with Our Families.
PEACE of Mind is Love.
Keep PEACE & LOVE at the core of your heart and
NOTE: If you involve yourself in anything that hurt others by your words, deeds or thoughts then you are not a NLHFian PEACE & HAPPINESS Ambassador any more even if you continue to use it.
I take this Pledge to commit to spread PEACE and HAPPINESS with my writing every month, wherever I am, without hurting anybody (living or dead) with my words. We all want PEACE of Mind and I will be working for Peace & Happiness and will have a HAPPY Time with Family and take care of the Young & Old. I completely know and understand NLHF Peace & Happiness Campaign is not affiliated to any organization whatsoever. It is an independent initiative by NLHF started during the hard times of covid 19 pandemic and continuing. The Certificate of Commitment to peace is distributed through internet and is available completely Free of Cost.